
Welcome to the first grade

Hey! It’s us – Grade 1s! We’ve been going to school for three weeks. During this time, we got to know our new colleagues, teachers, school building and rules. We also started learning, which we will continue throughout the whole year. In Maths we practiced spatial orientation and the recognition of the right and left […]

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Kindergarten students know how to be safe on the road

This week younger kindergarten group students started to learn about road safety. They got to know road signs, traffic lights, and learned how to move around the city safely. Kindergarten students went for a walk where they practised crossing the street in a safe way, observed the traffic, and learned to read road signs.

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We have set off!

We have set off! On the 3rd of September our students, dressed in school uniforms, celebrated the beginning of the school year. After an official ceremony in which parents participated, too, students played in our charming garden, bathing in the warm rays of autumn sun.

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Integration day

Cracow International School students took part in an integration day. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other and make new friends. We took care for the parents, too, by organizing workshops for them and allowing them to relax in our chillout zone. We are entering the new school year with lots […]

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Unique community

Cracow International School community is unique. Find out why! 👍 we respect other people, regardless from their background or beliefs, 👍 we know that sharing experience strengthens bonds and allows us to learn new important things, 👍 we support each other in good and bad moments, 👍 we believe that every effort should be appreciated, […]

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Global Perspectives.

Did you know that Cambridge Global Perspectives programme involves project-based learning? Moreover, students have the opportunity to discover issues connected with thm being members of a multicultural society.

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Enrollment is open!

Enrollment is in progress! In 2018-2019 school year we invite children of preschool age, as well as those who are to start grade 1, 2, or 3 of primary school in September!

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Have a walk in Cambridge.

Cambridge Primary programme followed by Cracow International School was designed in one of the most beautiful English cities. We strongly believe that some time in the future our students will be able to go there and see the breathtaking views of English architecture. Meanwhile, we invite you to have a virtual walk in Cambridge. The […]

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There’s a lot going on at CIS!

Our garden is becoming greener and greener every day, and the interiors are more and more colorful, too. We have already fenced the playground space and we are doing maintenance works in classrooms, and discussing cooperation with various institutions – there’s a lot going on!

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What if…?

What if the world was a village of 100 people? Where would they come from? What languages would they speak? Find out!

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