Mini theatrical plays at the kindergarten
This week students from the younger kindergarten group had a series of classes about theatre. They got to know different types of theatre and found out how to behave during a theatrical play. Then they made dolls of their own idea out of spoons. Today the kindergarten classroom turned into a stage. Children received tickets […]
Read moreGrade 0 mathematical games
Zeròwkowicze rozpoczęli tydzień zajęciami matematycznymi, wykonując proste działania, rzucając dwoma kostkami do gry i starając się określić sumę dwóch liczb. Następnie przeszliśmy do dodawania i odejmowania na osi liczbowej, zapisując każdy skok równaniem. Zakończyliśmy dziesiątkami i jednostkami, próbując utworzyć dwucyfrowe liczby.
Read moreWe already know the names of the months!
Names of the months can be a challenge. Our brave grade 0 students proved that nothing is impossible! They easily matched colorful pictures to names of the seasons, and even managed to read the names of the months by themselves!
Read moreWorkshops at Municipal Engineery Museum
It’s us again – grade 1s! Recently, as part of the Cambridge Primary Science course, we started learning about the properties of various materials and substances. Therefore, we went on a trip to the Museum of Municipal Engineering. We took part in the exhibition “It’s so simple!” – studying physical phenomena at interactive stations and […]
Read moreMaking non-newtonian fluid
Another sensory class has taken place in the younger kindergarten group. The children made non-newtonian fluid by themselves. First they put flour in their bowls, and then they colored it with a chosen dye. Everyone had so much fun!
Read moreScience classes in Grade 1
Grade 1s students have just started the winter break from classes, the first semester of school is coming to an end… Time for memories! For example, science class from the Cambridge Primary Science programme with the soil theme. Students, using their textbooks, first practiced the ability to read in English and gained information on the […]
Read moreCarnival party
Carnival party was a happy and anticipated day for our kindergarten students. From the early morning, colorful characters visited us. Youngest group students dressed up as fairy tale characters so you could meet fairies, dragons and princesses in our classroom! The decorations made everyone cheerful and eager to have fun with music in the background! […]
Read moreYounger group’s first trip
Younger kindergarten group went on their first trip on Friday. They visited Formy Kolory where they decorated fleece Christmas ornaments. We had lots of fun!
Read moreSt. Nick’s night at CIS
What a night it was! A night full of adventures, which were organized for our students by… Santa Claus himself! First – magical chemical experiments, then – the Christmas cinema, and then – sleeping at school, ended with a shared breakfast! And in all this a lot o emotions, joy and .. snoring! 🙂 What […]
Read moreAt the Ethnographic Museum
Students from grade 1s went on a trip to the Ethnographic Museum to take part in workshops “In the old school” and learn about the customs common in schools 100 years ago. They had the opportunity to sit in old, wooden benches with inkstands, use chalk plates instead of notebooks, get to know the duties […]
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