International education

Cracow International School provides international education, which has many advantages. Get to know the most important of them:
🌎 Students spend time in a multicultural environment (colleagues and teachers from around the world), which shapes their attitude of openness towards other cultures, traditions, beliefs and customs.
🌎 Implementation of not only the Polish but also the international Cambridge curriculum, enables learning about global problems concerning people around the world and searching for universal solutions.
🌎 The members of the school community use many languages, they speak mainly in English, which naturally develops their communication and linguistic skills.
🌎 Education in an international school realistically increases the chances of students to find themselves in the reality of global changes, creates opportunities for continuing education and work anywhere in the world.
🌎 The international environment enables to learn tolerance and empathy, it allows a better understanding of different people and perspectives from which they look at the world.
🌎 Learning at an international school makes students become full members of the global community. They make friends with peers from all over the world, which becomes an important life experience.