Have a look at what the elements of our logo mean

CIS en
The short form of the name Cracow International School is CIS – in Polish this word means a yew tree, a tree which was the first to be protected in Poland due to its value. We believe that students who finish their education at our school will also be appreciated as valuable people.
CIS (yew tree) grows all over Europe and on other continents, too, in various conditions and on different soils. We want our students to be able to find themselves in a dynamically changing world, too, by giving them the opportunity to grow up in an international environment and to acquire universal skills.
CIS (yew tree) is used as a valuable source of wood, but also as a decorative and medicinal plant. We want our students to be versatile and open to every area of ​​life.
CIS (yew tree) can grow individually or in groups, therefore our students cope well with both individual and team work.
The tree motif also refers to one of the greatest advantages of Cracow International School: a spacious garden where students spend their free time and where some of the lessons take place. It also symbolizes life, time and development - because we provide a multi-stage education from kindergarten to high school.
The CIS (yew tree) wood is hard and durable, but at the same time resilient and flexible. We care about harmonious development of our students, so that they can become confident and strong, but stay sensitive and caring at the same time.
CIS (yew tree) is useful – it provides food to 24 species of birds! Our students also engage in different activities for the benefit of others, and develop their social attitude.
The CIS (yew tree) seeds ripen between August and September - just as students ready to start a new school year.
There are 70 known cultivation types of CIS (yew tree). Each of our students is also different and we value each of them precisely for their individuality.