Visit to Romania as part of Erasmus+ project
In November, our team members: Dobromiła Smolak, Anastazja Malczyk, Aya Milles and Magdalena Radomiak took part in a four-day trip to Miercurea-Ciuc in Romania as part of the Erasmus+ project “Let’s play it again.”
😊✈️ The exchange of experiences with Romanian and Hungarian participants of the project have been very fruitful. Particularly interesting was the presentation of elements of Kett pedagogy in Angyalkert Kindergarten and discussions on differences in educational programs. The project participants had an additional opportunity to learn about the Romanian education system by visiting Little Prince and Cimbora kindergartens and Segito Maria Catholic High School. Our hosts organized a number of additional events to introduce the local culture (a visit to the town hall, a visit to the Pauline monastery, baking traditional pastries in the heritage park).🏫☀️
We will be very pleased to welcome our colleagues in Kraków in June!🌺